Gehalt Simone Biles

Olympiasiegerin Artistic gymnast - Vereinigte Staaten
Geboren: 1997, Ohio, United States
  • Jahr: 9.343.506,00 €
  • Monat: 778.625,50 €
  • Woche: 179.682,81 €
  • Tag: 35.936,56 €
Simone Biles

Seit dem Start dieser Seite hat Simone Biles Folgendes verdient:

Diese Zusammenfassung stammt aus Wikipedia

Simone Arianne Biles Owens ist eine US-amerikanische Turnerin. Mit 30 Weltmeisterschaftsmedaillen und sieben Medaillen bei Olympischen Spielen ist sie die bisher erfolgreichste Turnerin.

Wikipedia-Seite über Simone Biles

- Forbes Jan 2023: ON-FIELD: $0 • OFF-FIELD: $10 mil
- Forbes Jan 2022: On-The-Field Earnings: $0.1 million Off-The-Field Earnings: $10 million
-Forbes Aug. 2021: Biles earns at least $5 million annually in endorsements, according to Forbes estimates.
- Before she even stepped into the Olympics she had already earned around $2 million.
- At the Rio Olympics (2016) he won four gold and one bronze medals. There’s a cash prize for every Olympic medal an athlete wins — $25,000 for gold, $15,000 for silver and $10,000 for bronze. (USA Today) So at the Rio Olympics she won $ 110000.
- In 2018 she also won 4 gold medals, 1 silver and 1 bronze medal at World Artistic Gymnastics Championships plus some important brand endorsement deals. Her prize money from world championships is considerably lower, even though she's racked up plenty of medals there over the past several years. According to a 2017 BBC study, the women's all-around gymnastics champion takes home a prize of £4,053, which is about $4,896 in US dollars.


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Update: 2023-1
