Gehalt Safra Catz

Vorstandssprecher - Oracle Corporation - Vereinigte Staaten
Geboren: 1961, Holon , Israele
  • Jahr: 71.010.649,00 €
  • Monat: 5.917.554,08 €
  • Woche: 1.365.589,40 €
  • Tag: 273.117,88 €
Safra Catz

Seit dem Start dieser Seite hat Safra Catz Folgendes verdient:

Diese Zusammenfassung stammt aus Wikipedia

Safra A. Catz ist eine US-amerikanische Managerin und derzeit Chief Executive Officer der Oracle Corporation.

Wikipedia-Seite über Safra A. Catz

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $1.8 B ($76 M rise compared to last year) July 2023: annual salary $138M
Forbes Apr 2023: $ 1.5 B Net Worth (no rise compared to 2022)
Bloomberg Aug 2021:$ 950,000
Business Insider Aug. 2020: Oracle CEO Safra Catz's compensation was about $964000 in its last fiscal year which ended May 31. Catz did not get extra compensation, including a bonus. Sept 2019: Catz has a salary of $950,000. 2018: As Chief Executive Officer at ORACLE CORP, Safra A. Catz made $108,282,333 in total compensation. Of this total $950,000 was received as a salary, $3,612,553 was received as a bonus, $103,700,000 was received in stock options, $0 was awarded as stock and $19,780 came from other types of compensation.
Business Insider: Catz received a $40.7 million salary in 2017, making her one of the highest-paid female executives.


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Update: 2023-4
